Car Title Loans, also known as vehicle collateral loans and other different names are the best way for people with the bad credit score to get instant money. The loan amount you receive is a percentage of the equity in your vehicle. So basically, to get a car title loan, you must have a vehicle that qualifies. Whether vehicle will be eligible or not, it depends on how old the vehicle is. If it has any existing lien on it, and how much is it worth the vehicle? The lenders want to protect their finances in the vehicle, and not making payments on time will increase your risk of losing the vehicle to the lender. So make sure you make your monthly payment on time. Here at Loan Center Canada, we are working hard to make the process of applying for the car title loans as easy as possible. Our loans are the best options for those traditional loans that make it hard for you to get cash. Payday lenders have higher interest rates which make it very difficult for people to repay their debts ...